Alan Jones Associates has in depth experience in delivering community plans and strategies focusing on a variety of key factors. Previous work undertaken has included the development of the Outdoor Space Strategy for Dunoon, A Vision for Brora, and Active Travel and Placemaking Studies for Lochearnhead, and the West of Ness Area in Inverness.
In delivering a Place Making Plan our experienced Associates will work with the client to determine the most effective range of consultation and engagement techniques, using the Visioning Outcomes in Community Engagement (VOiCE) as part of the National Standards (as outlined below).
It is likely that this process will include a combination of surveys, visual audits, stakeholder engagement meetings, and public events. However, in understanding the importance of effective consultations, we are also well versed in additional technique such as:
The Place Standard Tool – The Place Standard Tool (pictured) is an industry standard tool for measuring the public perception of a key area – where people live, work, or play. As well as including this in our engagement, we seek to develop a bespoke project specific placemaking wheel that investigates the key issues or aspects of where that the project seeks to enhance. Using both of these tools across our engagement process, we are able to visually map the consensus perception of the area, noting the gaps and highlighting potential areas for improvement.
We are also currently working with Sustrans to test the new and adapted Place Standard Tool for young people, which comprises a targeted variation of the place standard tool, specific to key age groups within schools.
School Engagement – Working throughout Scotland on a number of key community projects, we recognise the importance of young people, and their views with regard to place improvements. We are experienced in working with children and young people and have facilitated a number of sessions within school classes and assemblies. These sessions are designed specific to the project, but often take the form of facilitated discussions, placemaking tool sessions, voting, and mapping for older children, and “postcard from the future” encouraging pupils to draw and talk about their aspirations.
Future Walks – Whilst public meetings are effective, and often play a major part in our engagement, our Future Walks provide the opportunity to walk the site, or a key route, discussing options, issues and suggestions in a constructive and collaborative manner. Following the walk, a short de-brief and group discussion allows the feedback, photos and collected information to be mapped and recorded.
Illustrative and Visual Examples – To support stakeholder and community engagement, we are a firm believer that a picture paints a thousand words. Working with our illustrator, we will develop attractive and inspiring concept images such as those below:
Concept of Pump Track/Skate Park
Possible Water Sports Centre
Walkway around Loch